Ⅰ. Product Introduction

Payment Collection Manager provides financial settlement solutions. Based on payment scenarios and industry characteristics, BOCOM quickly customizes integrated payment solutions for collection, reconciliation, and management as well as serves corporate customers and individual customers in the downstream of the payment chain simultaneously. Payment Collection Manager enables convenient payment for C-end users and full-process management for B-end users. In the meantime, its financial service plan covers comprehensive scenarios and manages funds, information, business operation, etc.

Ⅱ. Product Features

Payment Collection Manager provides customers with UnionPay, WeChat, Alipay and other online payment channels. The product supports fund transfer to meet enterprises’ needs of ToC and ToB payment collection through various channels. For offline collection, POS card and QR code scanning are supported. Meanwhile, corporates can employ Hui Security APP or fixed-link QR code to avoid using QR code reader.

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Global Group Site:www.bankcomm.com

Credit Card Service Hotline:400-800-9888